Web3 model

Web3 Model

Approved Educators Protocol harnesses the power of blockchain technology to revolutionize the traditional education system. Content creators will be able to utilise chat GPT and other various AI plugins to help facilitate a much cleaner learning experience than current web2 hosts. The protocol fosters an ecosystem that rewards quality and innovation by enabling direct community support for meaningful educational content. This empowers individuals to shape the future of education and challenges the status quo, ultimately delivering a more diverse, accessible, and dynamic learning experience for all.

  • Digital rights and participation: Tokenizing education content as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) enables a broader community to participate in the alternative, decentralized education. Teachers can access new funding sources by selling co-publishing rights to their educational content, benefiting from the new partnerships.

  • Independence: Decentralization allows users to operate independently, creating, curating, and consuming educational content that matters to them.

  • Permanent and transparent learning records: Blockchain technology ensures that certificates and qualifications are easily verifiable through an immutable record. The immutable record provided by blockchain means that all certificates and qualifications are easily verifiable by using our Approved Educators (Soul Bound Token) SBT

  • Platform-agnostic and user-owned: Blockchain-based assets create opportunities for partnerships with various platforms, enabling creators to share content more broadly across a range of distribution channels and ensuring that users retain ownership of their work.

Digital property rights in the form of Approved Educator NFTs:

  • The Approved Educators Protocol fundamentally believes in digital property rights, which empower content creators to maintain ownership of their intellectual property (IP) and monetize their content based on its performance. The foundation of this community-owned educational system is the Approved EDU NFT. Each Approved EDU NFT grants the owner the right to market, promote, and earn a portion of the revenue generated by the owner’s promotional efforts of the educational content. Content creators have the flexibility to determine the portion of their content's revenue they wish to sell. By leveraging Approved EDU NFTs, the Approved Educators Protocol fosters an environment where creators can benefit from their work while retaining control over their IP.

Approved EDU NFT Marketplace:

  • Content creators or the Creator Collective can create Approved EDU NFTs, which are then available for purchase by co-publishers via a marketplace. Co-publishers are responsible for promoting the content, and in return, they receive a percentage of the revenues generated by subscriptions to the content. This revenue is shared among content creators, co-publishers, and partner platforms. It's important to note that while KYC is not required to purchase an Approved EDU NFT, co-publishers must satisfy KYC through Blockpass before receiving any share of the revenue from the owner’s promotional efforts. Approved EDU NFTs may not be available to users in certain jurisdictions

Crowd-sourced curricula:

  • To facilitate the transition of web2 users to web3 and harness the power of the Approved Educators Protocol, the platform enables content creators (individuals or publishers) to launch educational curricula by offering co-publishing rights to supporters through Approved EDU NFTs. Approved Partners, content creators, and co-publishers collaborate to promote the content, with each party earning revenue based on their contributions.

Last updated